Friday, May 14, 2010


I wanted to draw something today, but I couldn't seem to find my stylus. So instead, I decided to randomly draw something in Paint with my mouse:

As you can see, my drawing apparently hates me for putting it into existance. I dunno why he's smiling though.

Anyways, I have several random topics today. First off, being ADD, you know there's a kind of "super pay attention mode" that for some odd reason you stay focused enough on one thing for immense amounts of time, even though breaking from it will cause you to get distracted to something else. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work for a few certain websites and internet applications. I must warn you: TVTropes and StumbleUpon by themselves are already the internet's equivalent to crack, but multitasking by using StumbleUpon and TVTropes together... Good luck trying to leave your computer alone without outside help. And by outside help, I mean two people or one really strong guy with access to a crow bar. For TVTropes, I'd suggest you click this link at your own risk, or make sure you have at least 3 hours on your hands. I'll give you a starter link: BLAM!

If you've made it back, I think it's about time I introduced the people that make me appear to be the Only Sane Man of my house (complete with drawings, as I'd rather not dig for my camera):

 This demented looking fellow is my brother. He may very well be proof of why you don't spoil children. For some odd reason, he believes he should defy all manner of authority, so long as he gets what he likes done. He also may be one of the few reasons I am able to yell like a singer of a death metal band, due to the amount of times I've had to yell for him to do things.

And this is my mother. Well intentioned she may be, but at the same time, can be a bit of a perfectionist. Some of these tendencies have been known to drive me nuts. Unlike my brother, however, yelling at her would instantly become regrettable. In other moments, despite being in her fourties, she tends to have the computer knowledge of someone much older than she. Unfortunately for me, this leads to me fixing problems for her, because of the mere fact that I'm on the computer a lot.

I think I'm actually out of things to say for right now, so I'll end it here.

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